Saturday, September 21, 2024

There will be no winners in Syria's war, but there can be an end

It is sheer coincidence that Paris was struck by terrorists on the eve of a key climate conference known as COP 21. To some,...

At Paris talks, leaders move beyond the environment

For world leaders attending a long-planned climate summit in Paris just weeks after 130 people were killed by Islamic State militants in the French...

Poor countries increasingly targeted by tobacco marketing

Faced with falling sales in richer nations, the tobacco industry has increasingly marketed their product in the developing world, where restrictions on promoting smoking...

Pope says fundamentalism is 'disease of all religions'

Pope Francis said Monday that fundamentalism is "a disease of all religions", including the Roman Catholic Church, as he returned from a three-nation tour...

Syria, Yemen, Libya — one factor unites these failed states, and it isn’t religion

As world leaders gather in Paris this week to address climate change, they will labor under the shadow of recent attacks by Islamic State....

In unexpected twist, Assad ally may be Lebanon's next president

Lebanon's political crisis has taken a dramatic turn with the possibility that a friend of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could become president in a...

Riyadh condemns racism against Muslim refugees

Saudi Arabia has expressed deep concern about the “increasing hostile, racist and inhuman rhetoric against refugees in general and Muslim refugees in particular.” All countries,...

Europe's leading human rights court upholds France's ban on headscarves

Europe’s leading human rights court upheld France’s ban on headscarves in the case of a social worker who was fired because she refused to...

The Times eats crow over claiming every fifth British Muslim extremist

The Times on Thursday corrected a “misleading” headline that claimed a fifth of British Muslims had sympathy for the Daesh, amid accusations Muslims have...

U.S. soldiers in Syria to back anti-ISIS Kurds

U.S. soldiers are in Kobane, the town in northern Syria nearly destroyed in fierce fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria group,...

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