Home FAQ


Do I need to register with Middle East Tribune to use the app or website?
– No, Middle East Tribune does not require registration.  Simply download the app or view Middle East Tribune at www.middleeasttribune.com

How can I browse the website or app in Arabic?
– To browse the Arabic version of the website, visit www.middleeasttribune.com or click ‘AR’ at the top of the page on the right hand corner.

Can I contribute an article or opinion piece to Middle East Tribune?
– Yes, you can send us articles at info@middleeasttribune.com. Middle East Tribune will contact you if we wish to publish your article or opinion piece.  Once approved, Middle East Tribune reserves the right to omit your personal information such as your email address, home address, country, and home address in order to protect your identity.  If you wish to publish the article under another name, make sure your explicitly state this in your email. Middle East Tribune can link your public social media profile to the article if you wish to do so.

How can I make a complaint to Middle East Tribune?
– If you wish to make a complaint to Middle East Tribune, email info@middleeasttribune.com

Can I use content from Middle East Tribune on my website or blog?
– You may only use intellectual property of Middle East Tribune and its third parties non-commercially if you reference Middle East Tribune.   Our copyright and trademarks cannot be removed or edited.