Home Reports Last comments on UK’s Brexit

Last comments on UK’s Brexit

After 47-year membership of the world’s biggest trading bloc, the United Kingdom leaves the European Union at 23:00 GMT on Friday.

British and European politicians’ most notable comments on Britain’s departure:

“Our job is to bring this country together and take us forward,” British PM; Boris Johnson said in a statement.

“We can work with other countries to develop trade, improve rights and protections, invest in our communities, tackle the threat of climate catastrophe, fight human rights abuses and promote peace.” Stated British opposition labor leader; Jeremy Corbyn,

“It is an emotional day but I’m looking forward to the next stage.” Said European commission president; Ursula Von Der Leyen.

“Today my thoughts go the millions of British citizens who are sad, as we are sad today,” EU chief negotiator; Micheal Barnier told reporters.

“The British people wanted out of the tyranny of Brussels, they wanted the capacity to make their own decisions. We want that for the British people too.” U.S. Secretary of state; Mike Pompeo declared.

“From an Irish perspective, today is a sad day,” Irish foreign minister; Simon Coveney.

“It’s obviously a very big day for our country,” stated former British PM; David Cameron, who called the 2016 referendum and quit after the vote for Brexit.